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作者: massages    时间: 2009-6-1 10:59
标题: 【原创】
advertiser links for full body massage in guilin equipment
time:2009-5-30 source:guilin massage clicks: 0 次
a certified full body massage in guilin therapist can land rewarding work in various environments - including first and foremost a full body massage in guilin therapy clinic. however, employment opportunities also exist in chiropractic offices, with professional athletes or sports teams, in spas, nursing homes, hospitals, health clubs and if you want to travel - aboard cruise ships. the opportunities are really endless. if you&#39ve chosen full body massage in guilin therapy as your career - congratulations! a position as a massage shanghai therapist can be fast-paced and limitless for a person who enjoys helping others learn to slow down and improve their lives by introducing them to alternative medicine.

not all holistic therapies are absurd. on the contrary, there is real value in many of them. herbology has a high level of silliness, but some of its remedies have merit. trigger-point therapy and ultrasound can produce scientifically verifiable results, while nutrition counseling and pilates are tangible, useful ways of improving your health and well-being. the point is, you need to be a skeptical consumer. wanting something to be real doesn’t make it real, so be wary of pretty stories with no basis in sound research. quantum touch foregoes the gems entirely, preferring to rely on, well, magic: the “therapist” holds his hands over the client’s body and uses his high-vibrational life force to amplify the client’s own life force. then, so it’s claimed, the body is able to heal itself of all kinds of ailments. so you have to ask yourself, is the word “quantum” just a shallow attempt to put a scientific veneer on what is, in essence, the equivalent of a carnival charlatan waving his hands? abracadabra, you’re healed!

that’s a joke. so are far too many of the snake oil treatments being touted to the uninformed public as the best way to become “centered” or “balanced.” balance isn’t a bad thing, nor is feeling centered. on the contrary, it’s natural to want both - which is precisely why people who are desperate to feel better will try almost anything, no matter how ridiculous. exhibit a: crystal-gem therapy. imagine if you went to your doctor’s office complaining of pain in your stomach and, in response, the doctor told you to hold a handful of gravel for ten minutes. then, after holding the gravel, she presented you with a bill for $100. you’d be outraged. so why are people any less outraged when someone who lacks medical credentials entirely places pretty stones on their bodies, makes ridiculous health claims on behalf of the gems, then charges top dollar for the experience? as of late, the public&#39s demand for shanghai escort has been dramatically high. in fact, a study conducted by the american full body massage in guilin therapy association estimates that consumers spend approximately $6-billion dollars annually on full body massage in guilin therapy.

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